When sirens were birds


Classic sirens have not always been the beautiful half women and half fish beings. The first descriptions characterized them half woman half bird, and they were daughters of Achelous, the Greek spirit-god of the homonymous river, or god Phorcys, and of the nymph Calliope according to some versions or of some muses according to others. … Read more

Ireland. Experiences in legendary lands (part 4). The end of the odyssey


Part of every journey is always the end, and that is what we are going to present in this last article about our stay in Ireland. Do you want to know what was the Great Famine and the indelible mark it left on Irish people since then? Would you like to travel with us through … Read more

The slowest terrestrial mammal

Bradypus tridactylus, the pale-throated sloth, belongs to the supraorder Edentata, just like the armadillo and the anteater. Ground speed: 2.44m/min (0.105km/h), although it increases slightly when climbing trees using its 3 long claws, reaching 4.57m/min (0.272km/h). Its neck has a great mobility, it can turn it almost 360º. It almost never descends to the ground, … Read more

Ireland. Experiences in legendary lands (part 3). Brief foray into the history of Ireland and visit to Belfast


During our stay in the beautiful Ireland we made a brief stop in the capital of Northern Ireland. It was really necessary. Belfast doesn’t just ooze history everywhere. The city itself is a flowing emotion. Every corner and every street is home to numerous voices that are confused through the centuries. They are voices intermingled … Read more

The densest forest of Juniperus thurifera is in Soria


Did you know that the world’s densest forest of Spanish junipers is in Spain? Specifically in the medieval Soria town of Calatañazor. This Natural Reserve is home to 150-210 Spanish junipers (Juniperus thurifera) per hectare, which are also considered to be the highest in the world (some are over 15 metres high). Spanish junipers have … Read more

The peculiarities of hummingbirds

Hummingbirds are a family of birds (Trochilidae) composed by many species. The size of the hummingbirds varies depending on the species: the smallest weighs about 2.2 grams and the largest about 20 g. They feed on flowers’ nectar (they are important pollinators) and small insects. They have a very large heart beating at more than … Read more

The apparition of the Virgin Mary that inspired the flag of the European Union


Even if we don’t realize, mysterious events and enigmas surround us constantly. So much so that mysteries have inspired all sorts of issues that we see or experience on a daily basis, and whose enigmatic foundation we do not know. Such is the case, for example, with the flag of the European Union. On the … Read more

Ireland. Experiences in legendary lands (part 2). Crossing borders


This time we weren’t going to explore the Republic of Ireland, we were going to change territory… and nation. Our destination was Northern Ireland, which belongs to the British crown and which, like everything on the Emerald Isle, also possesses that inherent magic typical of legendary lands. The next day we got up early. We … Read more

Ballooning or the flight of spiders

This type of displacement basically consists of “floating” in the air through silk threads. That is, the air pushes the silk thread and the spider will hang from it in the air. The spider is usually placed in an elevated area, aims the opisthosoma (“abdomen”) upward and expels the thread… A timely blast of air … Read more

The UFO investigations of the Pentagon


The Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP) was a secret Pentagon program that lasted 5 years, from 2007 to 2012. With a budget of 22 million dollars, its objective was to identify unidentified aircraft that could be a threat to U.S. National Security. We know about it because his director, Luis Elizondo, leaked information in … Read more

The tricks of some insects to ensure offspring

Females can be fertilized by several males because the sperm share space once inside the female. As a result, different types of adaptations have appeared to ensure the reproductive success of males. Two types of adaptations can be distinguished: 1. TO ACHIEVE A PREFERENTIAL USE OF SPERM. The best known case is that of some … Read more

Sodium and the courtship of butterflies

Courtship is defined as specific behavioural patterns that induce sexual receptivity, i.e. it facilitates recognition between species and also serves as a mechanism to prevent mating between different species. It can be done by visual, tactile and/or chemical stimulation. A curious mechanism is that of some species of butterflies, called “puddling“, which consists of the … Read more

“Guernica”. A family self-portrait?


Since our school years we have been bombarded by an infinity of data that we accept without saying a word. For example, we have always been told that Guernica, a masterpiece of Cubism, illustrates the horror experienced during the bombing of the Basque town of the same name on 26 April 1937 in the context … Read more

Invasive alien species. They have come… to stay


Asian hornet, raccoon, water hyacinth, red swamp crayfish, red-eared slider, monk parakeet, fountain grass, red palm weevil, wels catfish, Xyllela fastidiosa… They are all names of organisms that increasingly dominate the headlines of the major media in various countries. They are a real problem in many ways. The environment, the economy and the health system … Read more

The peculiarities of gibbons


They do not present sexual dirmorphism (differences between males and females) in size neither in dentition, only in coloration in the first two genera of the 4 existing ones: Nomascus, Hoolock, Hylobates and Symphalangus. The intermembral index (length of upper extremities/lower ext*100) is the highest of all primates: 127-147. They are the only apes with … Read more

A language to alert humans of the future


Dr. Thomas A. Sebeok, of the Research Center for Language and Semiotic Studies at Indiana University, never imagined the request the Ohio Office of Nuclear Waste Isolation would make to him: to build a language system to warn people of 10000 years in the future of the places where potentially hazardous nuclear waste is buried. The … Read more

The fossil that didn’t want to be Neanderthal


Today, the existence of our evolutionary companions, the Neanderthals, seems irrefutable to us. However, when their remains began to emerge, the scientific community categorically refused to recognize they were facing a new species. In 1856, some quarry workers found a set of bones inside the Feldhofer cave, located in Neander valley (where the name of … Read more