Do volcanoes produce more CO2 than humans?


Volcanoes, those forces of nature feared and revered since time immemorial. Volcanoes are also the geological entities to which skeptics and even outright deniers of mankind’s role in current climate change tirelessly appeal. Climate change deniers argue that the carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from human activities are merely a faint glimpse compared to the CO2 … Read more

Dossier “HOAXES OF VACCINES”. The vaccines that transform you into an X-Men

vacunas covid19-sars cov 2-pandemia de covid 19-arnm-rna-mrna - arn mensajero-vacuna de arnm-vacuna de pfizer-vacuna de moderna-mutacion genetica-daños en el adn-conspiracion-esterilidad en hombres

It is the life of the hoax party. It has been an unprecedented success in social networks. Thanks to it, everyone now knows that messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines do all sorts of nasty things to our genetic material. Needless to say, everything they cause is bad. Yes, conspiracists are extremely pessimistic… The truth is that … Read more

Dossier “HOAXES OF THE PANDEMIC”. The lies about PCRs

bulos-infoxicacion-informaciones falsas-mentiras-pcr-reaccion en cadena de la polimerasa-test diagnostico covid 19-coronavirus-sars cov 2-rt pcr-falsos positivos-falsos negativos

In crisis situations, fear and unease find a very pleasant niche in which to prosper. So do those who feed and promote those fears. Complexity is unpleasant, and our world, fortunately or unfortunately, is complex. All the events we experience involve a myriad of factors, so it is not easy to explain them or find … Read more

Flat Earth (part 3): Round Earth VS flat Earth. Latest analysis of the “Flat Earth Theory” and conclusions


We continue with the analysis of the most used arguments to support the Flat Earth Theory. After having discussed in depth questions such as the visibility of the Earth horizon or whether our planet moves or not, on this occasion we will analyze the terrestrial doubts about gravity, apparently impossible air routes or eclipses. We … Read more

Flat Earth (part 2): Round Earth VS flat Earth. The “Flat Earth Theory”, under examination


The  flat Earth collective has made the battle against the established powers its own. Their enemies are legion and they govern science, politics and the society. Their most effective weapons are lies and disinformation with which they enslave us. Because Truth will set us free. And that “Truth” includes the true appearance of our planet … Read more

Flat Earth (part 1). The phoenix of myths


There are beliefs that never die. They are indifferent to the blows of time, which are often mortal. They continue to be reborn from their ashes at the most unexpected moments. There are some as ancestral as the one we are going to expose in a series of articles. Because the belief that the Earth … Read more