Cobwebs: Architecture in miniature


There are up to 7 types of silk-producing glands (and each silk is different). But not all spiders have all those glands. Not all the spiders build cobwebs, but all of them have the ability to produce silk. The construction of cobwebs is genetically codified, it is not by learning. In addition, it is done … Read more

The pagan origin of the “Roscón de Reyes”

The well-known “roscón de Reyes” (ring of the kings) is not a contemporary food by a long shot. Its origin, moreover, is pagan. We have to go back to the time of the Roman Empire. The Romans celebrated festivities known as Saturnalia between 17 and 23 December of the Roman calendar in honour of the … Read more

Have the Three Kings always been three?

The Three Kings weren’t always three. In fact, the canonical Gospels never established their number. The first Christian theologians and exegetes discussed this aspect, and went so far as to establish from two to several dozen Magi. Three was the definitive number thanks to Origen of Alexandria (184 or 185-254), who established that if three … Read more

Balthazar, the polymorphic King


Balthazar didn’t always have African features. In the sixth-century Byzantine mosaic presented here, from San Apolinar el Nuevo (Ravenna), Balthazar is white (the first character on the left). Like the other two Kings, he is dressed in a Phrygian cap and Persian vestments, thus indicating the origin of the Magi protagonists of the Epiphany. We … Read more

Pogo the Clown. The real case behind IT


Reality too often surpasses fiction. Not for nothing films, books and video games emerge from the same human imagery as the most gruesome crimes or the most beautiful works. Everything is unified. The following article is a sample of the extreme evil that a person can reach. This is one of those cases that attracts … Read more

The Ouija that unleashed the nightmare. The Vallecas case (part 2)


The Vallecas case has become one of the most paradigmatic paranormal cases in Spain. The police report was the main guilty of its fame. A document that gave it seriousness and authority. However, the arrival of new information and fallacies of all kinds over time have ended up confusing the investigators. Even the versions of … Read more

Awareness of death in non-human animals (Part 2)


In this second part we expand the range of animal species that have been shown to exhibit unique behaviors after the death of a relative or companion. In these new cases we will see how both domestic and wild animals react surprisingly to death. More examples which suggest that the human being is not the … Read more

The Ouija that unleashed the nightmare. The Vallecas case (part 1)


This year marks the 27th anniversary of a strange event that happened in Vallecas, Madrid (Spain). Tragedy, fear and confusion gripped the Gutiérrez Lázaro family for years. This story has become a modern myth that has even reached the big screen with a film that has reaped enormous success both in Spain and in other … Read more

Veganism. History, myths and facts


The ever-increasing knowledge about the functioning of the livestock farming industry, the situation that billions of animals live in some of its facilities and its environmental impact have activated the morale of many people. Today, tens of millions of people have decided to stop collaborating with this industry because of the scenes of torture and … Read more

Awareness of death in non-human animals (Part I)


There are many documented cases in which different species of animals have shown different types of behaviors toward dead bodies. Although the cases can be considered anecdotal observations and involve small sample sizes, they induce to think that feeling pain for a loss and being aware of death is not unique to humans. In this … Read more

Ireland. Experiences in legendary lands (Part I)

The green Ireland is land of pain and succeed, of legends and feeric beings. Its people carry the essence of their land wherever they go, often forced to leave it by the socio-political-economic circumstances of the moment. Its majestic architecture fused with extensive green meadows and steep cliffs has inspired a multitude of writers, scientists … Read more

Fernando Jiménez del Oso: The heretic of Televisión Española

He was a man with an enviable curriculum and communication skills. No area of knowledge escaped their need to know. It is considered as one of the references in the “world of mystery”. He appeared on television, radio and paper. He directed and created his own television programs and magazines. It encouraged generations of curious … Read more

Koko: The gorilla that could communicate with humans

Gorillas share 98.6% of the genetic material with humans. Like other species of animals, they communicate orally, visually, olfactorily and tactilely. As for the first form, several types of vocalizations have been identified. However, the gorilla Koko was and always will be,famous for being able to communicate with humans through sign language Koko, a Western … Read more

Behavior manipulators. The organisms capable of breaking the will

Behavioral control has always aroused deep fears. For instance, the mere idea of the existence of institutions and projects that have tried to manipulate the most private and apparently untouchable aspects of an individual arouses evident uneasiness. However, the human being is not pioneer in behavioral control techniques. In nature, several species have been practicing … Read more

Can a Canarian volcano cause an international catastrophe?

Can you imagine a wave of biblical proportions capable of flooding and destroying part of Europe and West Africa and the eastern shores of America? This is predicted by a mathematical model published in 2001 by a couple of geologists. This study predicts that such an event could be triggered by a volcano on La … Read more